Dry Anti-aging Balm
for Women

Dry anti-aging balm for women 45+ is a composition for preparing tincture in home conditions.
Age-related changes in the woman body lead to a decrease in the production of sex hormones, which negatively affects the emotional state, quality of sleep, the work of the cardiovascular system and the beauty of the skin. Dry anti-aging balm is specially made for the needs of women at this age.
Dry Anti-aging Balm for Women
Maral antlers have a powerful tonic effect in case of fatigue, increased physical stress and hypotension. They accelerate metabolism and tissue regeneration, excellently affect sexual health and slow down the aging process. They are effective for recovery from injuries and surgical interventions.

Maral root (Safflower leuzea) is a natural adaptogen that normalizes the function of the immune system. Tones up the central nervous system, significantly increases physical endurance and mental performance in case of fatigue. It has an antioxidant effect.

Rhodiola rosea increases energy metabolism in the body. It is used to treat hormonal disruptions and eliminate the negative manifestations of menopause, such as sleep disturbance, nervousness, flashes.

Flax seed contains phytoestrogens (a plant-based analogue of female sex hormones) that help maintain hormonal balance at the first sign of menopause, maintain skin elasticity, and improve the structure of nails and hair.

Ursolic acid in the composition of hawthorn fruits helps to eliminate inflammatory processes, stimulates the production of collagen.

Dropwort (Meadowsweet) is used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and diaphoretic (antipyretic) agent.

Valerian root, Motherwort and Peony root enhance the sedative effect of the balm, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
How do we produce it?
The plant components of the balm are carefully collected by herbalists in the Altai Mountains at a height of 1000 meters above sea level. They collect medicinal plants manually at a certain period of plant development, when the maximum concentration of medicinal substances can be found in one or another part of them.

Our dry balms are packed only in transparent sterile glass. It is our way to establish trusting relationships with our customers; you can be sure of the contents of the product. Moreover, it's just beautiful too. Colorful balms in a noble container is a bright idea for a gift to the person you wish Siberian health.
Preparation method:
Pour the dry composition with vodka (approximately 200 ml), keep for 10-15 days after that the tincture is ready for use. The composition can be reused up to 4 times. Precipitation is allowed.
Suggested usage:
Add one teaspoon of the obtained tincture tea or water. Take 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meal. Course of use: 1 month. 4 courses are allowed during a year.
Recommended indications: Menopause, inflammatory processes, menstrual irregularities, chronic fatigue, hypotension, asthenia, neuroses of various origins, neurasthenia, weakened immunity, anemia.
Composition: Maral antlers, bergenia, hawthorn fruit, valerian root, Rhodiola rosea, dropwort, peony root, motherwort, flax seeds, maral root.
Contraindications: persons under 18, pregnancy, breastfeeding, increased blood coagulation, severe atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, hypertension, nephritis (severe forms), arterial hypertension, malignant neoplasms. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the product components.
Storage conditions: Keep in the original closed packaging in a dry place.
Storage time: 24 months. Date of manufacture is indicated on the packing.
Volume: 250 ml
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